


未能满足安排的付款计划条款可能导致计划终止. 每月欠款及任何延期付款安排均须缴付服务费. Continuous nonpayment may result in an administrative withdrawal from enrollment 和 may prohibit the student from registering in subsequent semesters 和 obtaining official 和 unofficial transcripts until such obligations are satisfied. 文凭和成绩单不会发给任何学生,直到他们的学生账户余额为零. 除了扣留成绩单, 记录, 或者拿到文凭,直到支付完所有大学费用, Warner Pacific reserves the right to preclude students with past due balances from representing the university in public activities or events. Students experiencing legitimate extenuating circumstances relating to their finances are encouraged to meet with 学生账户 personnel for counseling.


费用减去所有经济援助后的余额, 第三方付款, 个人付款需要付款计划. 传统的学期学生支付计划是在4月份结束的学年(通常是9个月)计算的, 最多12个月). 一个预先授权的计划可以自动从借记卡或信用卡中扣除每月的付款. A non-refundable enrollment fee equal to 5% of the amount financed will be charged to the student account 和 included in the payments upon plan approval. The university also offers plans through monthly student payroll deductions or with only two payments per semester (half due on the due date each semester, 剩余的余额大约在学期中期到期),不收取额外费用.


如果学生退出所有课程或被学校开除, 按比例支付的学杂费, 不包括申请音乐费用和住房相关费用, 是否会根据出席的日历天数退款. 超过60%的期限后,将不予退款. 任何退款将扣除学费押金、订房押金和餐费. 住宅租赁的条款和条件可能会产生额外的费用.


联邦第四章学生补助用于支付入学期间的教育费用. 当学生在获得资助的学期完成60%之前退学时, 援助的一定比例部分必须归还给联邦政府.

Federal regulations require a written institutional policy for the refund 和 repayment of federal aid received by students terminating enrollment for any reason during a semester for which payment has been received. Refund calculations to determine the refund percentage are performed using the Federal Title IV refund procedure as prescribed by the U.S. 教育部.

该机构负责根据确定的退款百分比将资金返还给适当的联邦来源. 学生有责任偿还机构或联邦政府因取款而欠下的任何余额.


向学生收取全部学费, 费用, 根据初次入学时分配的学生身份证号,将住房记录在个人账户中. 奖助金, 奖学金, 贷款付款在收到这些费用时被记录为贷方. 在学生的账户对账单上显示的到期余额,如果有的话,必须由 秋季学期8月1日开学 和 春季学期是12月15日, 在搬进学生宿舍之前,以及在收到随后的月度报表之后. Payments in excess of charges will be refunded to the student unless the student requests the funds be held on the account as pre-payment of future charges. 所有学分余额必须在每学年结束时退还给学生, 不管学生的要求如何. 学生可以通过在他们的账户上付款,将这笔钱用于下一学年的学费.

如果学生增加或放弃课程,必须提交正式更改注册表. 在允许的增删期限内,按全学期费率增删课程,费用和收费会有所调整。, 与财政援助相关的调整. Students considering a drop below full-time enrollment status are encouraged to discuss the financial impact of such a decision with 金融援助 personnel.

在注册课程时, 学生产生费用,并负责支付这些费用,无论他们是否参加. 外围博彩平台, 非营利性高等教育机构, 建立任何学生账户, 仅为资助学生的教育而向学生提供贷款.


为了给学生提供最大的可靠性和可负担性, 外围博彩平台选择与Slingshot合作,为所有学生提供教科书.  与Slingshot的合作可以让学生在学年外围博彩平台前及时收到正确的书籍.

All traditional semester program students will 自动 be enrolled in the Slingshot Digital/Rental program without additional costs. Students receive their books on-campus during the weekend before classes start each semester 和 are not required to purchase their course materials on their own. Slingshot网站上提供了信息,供学生访问数字提供的书籍.  学生必须在课程结束后的第一天将所有租借的书籍归还给校内收发室.

学生们可以在Slingshot网站上获取教科书信息 http://warnerpacific.slingshotedu.com. Questions about your course materials or shipment information can be addressed by contacting the Slingshot Customer Service staff at 1-888-392-2930.

Students have the choice to opt out of this program until the payment deadline for the semester by contacting the Slingshot Customer Service staff at 1-888-392-2930 to request the Opt Out Form. 选择自己购买课程材料并不会减少你的学杂费.


大学参与与雇主等第三方的项目, 政府机构, 和 embassies provided written documentation confirming enrollment in the third party’s reimbursement program is submitted to the Office of 学生账户 by the semester due date. All 费用 和 charges not covered in the arrangement are the responsibility of the student 和 are due prior to the first day of classes. 雇主延迟付款可能会导致向学生收取服务费.


全部付款, 或批准的付款安排, 在搬进宿舍或上课之前需要做什么. 如果在学期的第一天没有做出满意的付款安排,学生将被置于未付款状态. 未能联系学生账户办公室可能导致注册无效. 未付余额,包括初始结清后产生或增加的余额,可按1.每月5%服务费(每年18%).

专业 & 研究生学费政策


mywp接受Visa、万事达卡、Discover和美国运通的在线支付.dght.net和Discover, Visa和万事达卡都可以通过电话或亲自付款.


学生选择一个主要付款选项. 如果主要选择不是支付,则需要一个次要选择 & 去计划.


按课程付款:如果支付 & 行动计划是“主要选择”,每门课程开课的第一天,学费必须全部付清. 如果支付 & “行动计划”是“第二选择”,“主要选择”未涵盖的任何未付费用应在课程外围博彩平台的第一天之前支付.


参加此选项需要公司学费报销政策的副本, 印有公司抬头的信纸, 由学生会计办公室存档并批准. 公司报销的学费和/或书本费从每门课程的最后一天起延迟30天. 学生有责任在课程结束后31天内全额付清公司未支付的费用. 学生应通知学生账户办公室的就业状况的变化,影响付款.


批准的公司学费凭证必须在每门课程外围博彩平台前两周收到. 学生必须在每门课程外围博彩平台的第一天之前支付不包括在直接计费中的学费. One hundred percent (100%) must be paid directly to 外围博彩平台 by the employer in order for this option to be considered a “Primary Option”.


联邦助学金和斯塔福德贷款适用于符合条件的学生. 百分之百(100%)的学费将在完成财务援助文件和处理过的FAFSA文件后延期. The student must pay tuition 和 费用 not covered by financial aid on or before each payment due date in accordance with the terms under the Pay & 去计划.


The Primary Payment Plan Option may be changed while attending the 外围博彩平台’s 专业 和 Graduate Studies program provided the student account is in good st和ing. 为了改变计划, 学生必须联系学生账户办公室并完成相应的财务协议. 所有更改必须得到外围博彩平台的批准.


未付余额以1表示.每月收取5%的服务费,余额未付. 为了避免滞纳金,必须在每门课程外围博彩平台的第一天之前付款. 这适用于财政援助未涵盖的任何余额, 学费延期, 或直接计费计划.


所有退回的支票或信用卡都需要额外支付25美元的处理费. 当支票或信用卡被退回时,如果账户拖欠, 服务费加上拒付信用卡或退回支票的费用将从学生的账户中扣除. 外围博彩平台保留随时收取退回支票或信用卡费用及服务费的权利.


Failure to complete payment of tuition 和 费用 by the specified due date may result in administrative withdrawal from the program beginning with the student’s next scheduled course. Students administratively withdrawn from the University for financial reasons are responsible for paying their account in full before they may be re-admitted.


如果你的助学金超过了你的学费, 费用, 和书籍, 你可能有资格获得多余的资金. 开学三周后检查你的学生账户,看看资金是否已经汇入你的学生账户. 如果资金已经汇入你的账户, 学生金融服务将审核您的账户,并在资金提交后的14天内自动退还多余的资金. 退款将直接存入您的银行账户 找比尔的电子邮件.(在你的经济援助公布后几天,在网站上建立你的直接存款信息),或将支票邮寄到记录的地址. 请留出整整14天的处理时间,然后致电检查您的退款状态.  通常, 学生每学期的第一门课程结束时,将退还多余的学费.

请注意: 所有退款都是估计金额. 书籍成本的变化, 撤回, 下降, 或在收到多余的资金后增加课程可能会导致外围博彩平台的余额.


成绩只适用于付费课程(延期支付学费的学生除外)。, 和 only if an academic degree plan has been completed with the student’s academic advisor before the end of the second course in the student’s program. 成绩单在学生账户结清学生余额后才发放.


退课可能会导致学生欠外围博彩平台的余额. Please refer to the Attendance Policy in the 专业 和 Graduate Studies section of the University Catalog 和 in the course syllabus.

注意:退出课程或改变学术日历可能会减少或取消经济援助奖. 请在退课前咨询学术顾问和财务援助顾问.


外围博彩平台致力于使大学教育尽可能方便和负担得起. 除了保持低学杂费, the university is committed to keeping the cost of textbooks 和 instructional materials affordable while simultaneously ensuring that students in the accelerated learning program have dependable 和 timely access to those materials.

为了提供专业 & 研究生学习(PGS)的学生提供最大的可靠性和负担得起的选择, WPU选择与Slingshot合作. 与Slingshot的合作关系允许两件重要的事情:(1)学生收到正确的书, 准时, 自动, (2)学生可以选择让他们更好地管理自己财务外围博彩平台的购买方式.

专业学生 & Graduate Studies programs are 自动 shipped their course materials about 2 weeks before each course starts as part of the Slingshot program. 当教材发货时,课程材料费用将添加到学生的WPU学生帐户中. 学生可以选择是否接收新书、二手书、租赁书或电子书.

学生们可以在Slingshot网站上获取教科书信息 http://warnerpacific.slingshotedu.com. Questions about your course materials or shipment information can be addressed by contacting the Slingshot Customer Service staff at 1-888-392-2930.

Students have the choice to opt out of this program by contacting their Academic Advisor who will work with them to submit an opt out request.


外围博彩平台购买和租赁书籍的常见问题可以在Slingshot网站上找到. 及时收到书籍, 学生应在开课前三周注册上课. Books 和 materials are shipped about two weeks before each course start date 和 are delivered approximately one week before each course start date. 为了避免书本费用, 学生必须按指示归还租借书籍和退课书籍. 直接向Slingshot咨询,电话:1-888-392-2930或support@slingshotedu.com. Students who believe they have extenuating circumstances that warrant an exception to the textbook policy should appeal to the Office of the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs. 外围博彩平台教科书和弹弓的更多信息可以在以下地方找到:学生仪表板, MyWP类, 和MyWP.

